当フォームはディズニー・オン・アイス ジャパンの物販にてご購入された商品のサポートフォームです。
▼ディズニー・オン・アイス 日本公演 公式HP
This is a support form for items purchased at Disney on Ice shows in Japan.
For inquiries regarding shows, tours, venues, tickets, parking, or general information, please visit the following websites.
▼Disney On Ice Japan Official Website
◆Your name, telephone number, e-mail address, and details are required
◆ If you have set up domain-specific reception or junk mail, be sure to set it so that you can receive "@supportform.jp"
You will receive an email from our support email address within two business days after the completion of the form.
◆Please refrain from reprinting or secondary use of part or all of the response to the customer such as posting in any social media platform or sharing of contents via SNS.
◆Warranty of products only covers initial factory defects.
◆Warranty is valid for 2 years from the date of purchase.